Saturday, August 24, 2013

Big Brother

The moment we brought Griffin home, I swear Layton grew 5 inches.  All I needed was a new baby at home to realize how much my first baby has grown up!  Layton loves being a big brother and is extremely helpful.  He always wants to be doing exactly what his mom or dad are doing.  Here's a glimpse of what he's been up to.

Layton doesn't really enjoy baths anymore.  One of the ways we talk him into taking one is by telling him he can take one with Griffin. 

I had Griffin in the carrier, and Layton wanted to carry his baby too. 

He's got his tool belt on, no pants, and a little bit of mommy's lipstick on his face too.
*I tried potty training twice-Christmas break and Spring break.  Both were failed attempts.  A week of letting him run around without pants on this summer and he did it all himself!  Hooray for undies! 

He loves to hold Griffin and pet his head.

We made some zucchini bread with our over abundance of zucchinis.  Layton liked dipping his fingers in the sugar.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Griffin at 2 months

This kid...

makes me smile.
Griffin is a pretty happy guy.  He eats, sleeps, and smiles.  At 2 months, Griffin follows objects (read: watches his crazy brother run around the house), smiles and coos/laughs, holds his head up a lot, rolled over at 6 weeks and does so every now and then on accident, and likes to sleep on his belly.  He's kind of a late night kind of kid and likes to keep his parents up until about 11pm (see why I'm scared for school?!) but then sleeps until about 4:30am. 
Layton loves Griffin, continuously giving him kisses and stating "I love Griffin".  In fact, we all love Griffin!

Putting it out there.

I came here to write about sweet Griffin at two months, but before I do, I must get something off my chest.  The past few weeks have been filled with anxiety for me; the calm before the storm.  School is starting up again soon and I AM SCARED.  My nights that have been filled with chasing littles around, giving baths, reading stories, giving night time kisses, and rocking a sweet baby to sleep, will soon be filled with reading textbooks and attending classes.  It seems this school thing will never end and I hate that it comes in between me and what I really enjoy-my family.  I can see the end to this long journey that I've fought so hard for, but at this moment, it feels just out of reach.  I'm going to struggle with this family, work, and school gig but as I tend to sweet baby Griffin every night, I look at the lovely Bob Marley quote up on his wall and I know...