Thursday, June 30, 2011

Goodbye June

Its the last day of June and there's a little tear in my eye, as it's one month down of my summer home with little Layton Pie. I don't want to count the days until school starts again. And come to think of it...Layton doesn't have a babysitter yet! Yikes! I've really been putting it off! Heres a little update of whats been going on with us Kasels.

Those that know me well, know I love to rearrange! This time, I treated Layton's room to the luxury! Yeah for Layton!

This guy here was a big helper!

Here's the king of this crib.

Today we decided to go for a little bike ride. Layton still isn't very sure of the bike trailer so I packed it full of toys. He even has a bottle of water in his drink holder for easy access.

We stopped at the park on the way home from our little ride for a diaper change and a swing ride. He had only screamed a couple of times at this point. Hey, that's improvement!

I'm sorry Layton. I am only being a good mom by making you wear such a silly hat. You can hate me later, but you must love me now.

Layton climbs up on everything, including the chairs. Then he gets stuck under the table and screams for my help.

My sister Alyssa gave me Ryan's balls from his ball pit. I decided to get a little swimming pool to put them in, but I didn't want anything too big taking up the house so Chris and I picked out a one ring pool. How dumb was that...If Layton was a tad bit more interested in the ball pit, they wouldn't be in it. They would be rolling around all over the house.

Here's a little video of some ball pit action.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Happy Late Father's Gift Day!

For Father's Day we were in Eugene visiting the Marshalls so I didn't bring Chris' gift with me, just his card. I did mention he had a gift waiting for him when he got home. Well, goodness gracious me! I forgot! 5 days later...we had a Happy Late Father's Gift Day! Maybe we will make it a tradition!

This is funny, because I have been sick the past couple of days.

I even put out his card again. Classy right?

Layton was waiting patiently for daddy to get home. (He ended up working late.)

His reaction after reading the "pregnant sign". Seems rather happy huh?

Gift Day= a new air hose and a pair of shorts. We go all out for father's day.