Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Layton at 18 Months

Layton just amazes me more an more every day. I can't get enough of his sweet little giggles and goofy personality. He's grown so much, yet is still my baby. I'll be a sad sad panda when he no longer wants to give his mommy loves and kisses.
Layton has started saying a few more new words including juice, shoe, hi, owie, mine and more. When things are hot he says "hot" and blows. He says "uck" when he is stuck, wants something off (like clothes), or when his hands are yucky. His "no" has turned into "no-no" which is hilarious to hear.
We got crazy boy a small play set thinking it would release some of that energy he has. He makes an "uh uh uh" sound signaling to us that he is about to go down the slide. We must count to three and cheer when he lands. He loves the attention.
When any music comes on he wiggles and dances and will also clap and wave if that's what the people on t.v. are doing.
I tend to move the furniture around a lot and Layton will get extremely upset if I don't put him on the chair or couch that I am moving so he can get a ride.
Bath times are no longer fun, but more of torture unless they are taken with mommy. Running around naked after bath time is still a blast though.
His "loves" have become even more "lovey". He will give kisses when asked and sometimes randomly smacks his lips when he would like a kiss. He gives hugs, lays his head on you, and "pats". I can't get enough of this...~Layton-don't.ever.stop loving please.~
Doing farm chores with Grandpa Don is one of his favorite things to do. He has a perma grin when riding on the mule, wind blowing through his hair. He now says "quack, quack" when he sees the ducks, "moo" when they drive my the cows and of course, still pants when he sees a dog!
He catches on to things quickly and is always by our sides "helping" whether it be staining the fence, trimming the bushes, emptying the dishwasher, or doing laundry.
Oh Layton, you are such a wonderful boy!
Here's some shots of Layton from tonight. We had to put the lamp on the ground because he kept pulling the cord up and walking under it to get behind the table.
In the first video he is waving to the people on "The Voice" and in the second video, all I can get is a "hi" out of him. :)

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