Layton knows a lot of shapes thanks to Blues Clues, can identify a few colors, counts to 12 (skipping a couple every so often) and really has no interest in the alphabet.
He just recently figured out how to open his door, making bed time a pretty big issue. He has many "friends" (stuffed animals) that he likes to keep in his bed and if you listen carefully at night, you can hear him talking to them before he falls asleep.
Some of my favorite things he says are "I love you", "You look beautiful mommy", "Your hair looks nice", "Oh my goodness", "That's delicious", and "That's disgusting". He has a large array of vocabulary and speaks in clear, long sentences. He'll tell you some real crazy stories!
He is a pretty picky eater and prefers to snack rather than sit down and eat a meal. His favorite food is BBQ "chipies" and chocolate milk. Every morning he requests a "GoGurt" which is really a Danimals smoothie drink, and it must have a straw.
We visited the zoo this summer while they had the dinosaur exhibit. As much as he loves dinosaurs, he was too scared to stand by them. We got a picture by the giraffe instead. A few months later and he still talks about the zoo. Roaring Springs was another favorite trip for him, even though he didn't want to go on any of the slides or be sprayed by the water. He is always asking when we can go back to the water park.
We had a major storm this summer that flooded the streets. Both Layton and I had fun standing out in the rain as the water rushed by our legs.
Lately we've had to fight off the monsters before going to bed. We get them with swords and tell them to go sleep somewhere else. What an imagination this kid has!
Layton loves paints and playdoh. This particular night he would accidently get paint on his arm and call it a road rash. I'm not sure where he got that from... ??
Guess what we carved his pumpkin to be? Yep, a dinosaur.
Still in love with his little brother.