At 19 months, Layton's vocabulary continues to grow. I was writing down all the words he knew until they just kept coming and coming and I couldn't keep up. Just tonight he said "bite", "cup", and "boot" for the first time. I think he's coming out of his little "language rut" and it is so cute to hear his sweet little voice.
Layton has become quite the adventurous boy that can't sit still. He climbs on everything and jumps off which can be a little frighting for his mama but such a thrill for him.
When we get home for the day he runs to the back door and says "ide, ide" meaning he wants to go outside which is his new favorite thing to do. And what exactly he does out there, I'm not even sure. He wonders around and around picking up rocks and dirt or following Wesley around and is just plain content. (Proof is in the video below.)
We have a sweet little boy on our hands that waves at passing cars, says hi to strangers, gives hugs to anyone, and loves his baby (yes, a doll-boy doll I should mention).
Hanging out with his buddy Wes. (Probably watching Wes in amazment as the strange dog eats rocks.)
So excited about bath time he forgot to take his clothes off first.
His first fishing trip. He loves to honk the horn.
Helping daddy fix the sink.
Did I mention he climbs on everything? Luckily he didn't dare jump this time.
He does so well on the boat. Maybe its the tractor or the sweet sunglasses.
(He really wanted the camera.)
He must be somewhat like his mom because he is OBSSESSED with shoes. You may not really understand this...but he has to wear shoes at all times and if he sees a pair he likes better he wants them on instead. Even with footie jammies, shoes must be worn.
Fresh out of the bath...yes, must have shoes.
He also has a small obssession with hats and sunglasses but on his own terms.
Busted eating a strawberry right off the plant.
Pretending to water the veggies.
What kid with a Mickey hat isn't happy?
Sharing dinner and a conversation with dada.
Playing outside