Layton has been such a joy! He has grown so much in the time I haven't posted. Boo me, I know. I swear this kid learns something new every day. He is amazing!!!
At 17 months Layton...
Says-mommy, dada, no, wow, uh-oh, ow, and yeah.
Signs "all gone".
Waves hi and bye bye.
Pants when you ask him what a dog says.
Gives loves and kisses
Goes and gets a book when we ask him to.
Throws away his diapers and puts away his wipes.
Always wants his shoes on.
Likes to wipe his face and"blows" his nose.
Finds his belly button when you read The Belly Button book.
Likes to grab our nose when we ask where his nose is.
Grabs his blanket, binky and goes to his room when we ask if he wants to go night night.
Blows raspberries on our bellies.
Loves peas and juice.
Loves to go on any kind of ride...bicycle, snowmobile, RZR, tractor...anything that moves.
Layton loves to play around with his daddy.
Such a big helper all of the time!