Layton's stats at 9 months:
Weight: 21 lbs
Length: 29 1/4 inches
Head: 44 cm
Layton has two teeth on the bottom and two teeth on the top are poking through. He crawls like a speed racer and stands up on everything. He really loves to crawl on mommy and daddy when they are laying on the floor. Everyone must share their food and drinks with him or he will get very upset. Layton is good to his mommy and daddy and sleeps through the night and routinely wakes up at 7 am. He loves to get into everything! His favorites are daddy's nightstand, mommy's makeup basket, and the pantry.
What Laytons eaten:
toilet paper
petroleum jelly (yikes)
credit card bill
anything on the floor

Oh no! Time to baby proof the drawers!

Layton is such a good kiddo when I lay him down to bed. He loves to giggle and bounce on the mattress.

He chases the vaccum where ever it goes...
and the mop...
Layton's jibber jabber
Uh Oh, spilt daddy's water cup
Layton loves the pantry!