Friday, December 9, 2011

~The Men In My Life~

Young and old alike, these two men in my life are something else!

It's dangerous work sitting in the recliner.

Feet on the table just like mommy!

Wearing mommy's sweater. words except for-just like dad?

Yes, that is a trash can with a little boy in it.

Oh, how I enjoy these two men soo much. They are the key to my heart. (Cheesy, I know.)

Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Here's a peak of what our Halloween was like...

 He really wasn't too interested in the pumpkin guts.

 This picture just cracks me up. 

I'm thinking makeup wasn't the greatest idea...

Nope, not a good idea with the makeup.  

Box man

This kid loves his boxes. What kid doesn't?

And...this cute kid loves pumpkins...

And crawling into the bathtub.  Dangerous, I know.

A Little Farm Fun

The day after Layton's birthday, we took a drive to Pasco, Washington to visit Grandpa Don while he was up there harvesting.  Grandma Barb took us to a harvest festival at a local farm.  It was a beautiful day and we went at the perfect poured rain as we left.  Typical northwest weather right?

Layton and Chris in the straw maze.

He did surprising well.  All he really wanted to do was follow the other kids around.

 The real Thumper...really, would I lie?

Little kids are WAY more interesting than animals.

Checkin' out the baby calf.

Three goofy pumpkin heads.

 Darn it.  I forgot to rotate this one.  :(


Layton's 1st Birthday!

It's been awhile and Layton's first birthday was in October, but it's a worthy occasion to blog about, even if it's old news.  We had a Monster Bash for Layton's birthday.  Lots of friends show up and Layton had a great time.  Here's a few photos of the festivities.

 Sorry it's sideways.  A monster joined the party.

 Grammy Carma and Layton

He gobbled his cake up!

Layton got this fun bean pit from Grandpa and Grandma Kasel.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Layton's First Haircut

Layton got his first haircut at the beginning of September.  (Sorry, I'm a little behind on the blog.)  We just kept him occupied with some Goldfish and Chris used his electric hair clippers.  After all his hair was cut, we decided we missed his long hair.  Oh well, it grows back and he is still super cute even with super short hair.


 He was growing a rat tail in the back.


Thursday, September 8, 2011

This little boy of ours... so sweet when he sleeps, we could stare at him for hours.

...loves to climb in the tubberware lids drawer.

...hates to wear hats.

...loves to climb in the fresh out of the dryer laundry and giggles when he does so.

...climbs on everything.

...eats corn on the cob double fisted.

...has an awesome new play area.

...does laundry.

...climbs up stairs.

...walks like a champ!